Atticia Vizcaino is our August Star Player of the Month!
Atticia is a Visa Specialist with Faculty/Staff Visa Services (FSVS) who went above and beyond during FSVS’ time of need. She tirelessly took on additional responsibilities while preparing visa applications and petitions during FSVS’ busy summer crunch and while FSVS experienced a reduced staff. Atticia took the initiative to take on additional responsibilities to ensure FSVS responded to its clients’ demands in a timely and professional matter. She is a great asset to FSVS’s new director, helping him quickly acclimate to USC. Her positive attitude and ability to meaningfully assist is recognized in her excellent customer service reputation. She has gone above and beyond the rigorous demands of the Visa Specialist position while completing her Master of Studies in Law at USC Gould School of Law. We are proud to have her as a member of our team!
Congratulations Atticia!